Women Helping Women in Florence, Italy

Women's International Network

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What we offer

A safe & Welcoming Environment


A place where you can speak English, with no apologies


Meet up with others who have made the move


English-Speaking Guest Speakers who share their stories


Find contacts to grow your business or activity within Florence, Tuscany

Important Pages

To get you started Right Away


Something every month

Each month we organize either an English speaking guests who introduce us to their world, or we organize business & networking events or have a themed party

Contact us at Women's International Network in Florence

Contact Us

Reach out to us

Drop us a line for more info on what we do and how you can be a part of it. We have something going on almost every month and lots of opportunities to group your ex-pat community.

Friends & support at Women's International Network in Florence

Awesome Support

Ex-Pats & English Speakers

We got you covered, whether you are looking for business support, a night out with the girls, something social or a bit of cultural activity … obviously all in English