by Lisa Irene

Have you heard of the app, “TOO GOOD TO GO?”

What an incredible idea!

Download the app, in the settings give your preferred radius of travel, and then see what you can pick up for just one-third of the price!

I often pick up my Magic Box (that is what they are called – it’s a surprise!) at Base V. Juicery – either via Guicciardini or in via dei Neri.  I have also picked up a bag of food items at Natura sì, some fantastic chocolates at Venchi, as well as a very healthful meal from RAW.

Everyday the store, restaurant, or bakery will notify the app how many Magic Boxes will be available, and at what time, along with the price.  You cannot know exactly what is in the Magic Box – as it depends what is left over at the end of the day (some are at lunch time).

My Magic Boxes from Base V Juicery are €4.99: I have received, for example, a mixed (special!) salad, a fresh centrifuga, one of their vegan and gluten free dolci (the ‘chocolate chip cookies are made with peanut butter – that they make right there in the store!)

From Natura Sì I got a bag full of items – yes, they are about to expire – so check the dates!  I got soy yogurt, kefir, fresh peppers, fresh ricotta and mozzarella.  I cannot remember it all – it cost about €14.99.  It was too much all at once for me, so I froze some of the stuff, and took some to a girlfriend’s so we could cook it up for a dinner together.

Also RAW, a sort of raw food bistrot in the Santo Spirito Area, takes part in the lotto contro lo sprecco.

So, this could be a way to also check out a place, without spending full price.

Not only – I have used the service to get my butt out of the studio subito dopo lavoro and out for a brisk walk on the town while picking up an economical dinner or foodstuffs for the next day.

Check out what is in your neighborhood!  Why not safe money, and crush waste – all at the same time!




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