Melissa Deep’s Vision for Universal Connectivity

Melissa Deep’s Vision for Universal Connectivity

Virtique is our Digital Frontier

Melissa Deep, owner Virtique and advocate of AR technology for small business and the mobility impairedLearn more about WIN Memember Melissa Deep & augmented reality

In a world where the digital space is increasingly becoming the new frontier for exploration, interaction, and commerce, there stands a virtual gateway nominated as the ‘Most Unique Use’. That gateway is none other than Virtique, the forerunner in creating digital user experiences that not only delight but tailor to the burgeoning need for remote engagement.

But why does their mission extend beyond the technological prowess they’ve crafted? What makes this nomination, not just another accolade, but a nod towards a brighter, more inclusive digital future?

Virtique Virtual Experiences, a brainchild of Melissa Deep, is not your average digital platform. Awarded and recognized by industry experts, their foray into augmented reality and virtual tours epitomizes innovation with heart. The platform’s versatility is legendary—businesses, real estate moguls, and even the culturally inclined, are finding a new stage for showcasing their offerings.

A Revolutionary Nomination

Nominated under the ‘Most Unique Use’, Virtique’s harnessing of Matter Port isn’t just for the flashy, it’s for the essential. By being nominated, they’ve not only been lauded for their technical mastery, but for the application that lies at the heart of their product—a call for inclusivity and accessibility in the modern age.

The nomination came as a wave of recognition for how Virtique’s technology isn’t just about beautiful digital renditions; it’s about offering a lifeline of connection to those otherwise tethered by the limitations of physical presence.


Melissa Deep, owner Virtique and advocate of AR technology for small business and the mobility impaired

An Engaged Community

Virtique’s mission is nuanced. It’s about effectively weaving empathy into the digital cloth they’ve designed. It’s about the small business that can suddenly scale exponentially through their virtual tours. It’s about the inclusivity that allows grandparents to ‘walk’ the halls of the Louvre with their grandchildren. It’s about the brilliant stroke of democratizing the experience of historical and cultural learning.

Voting for More Than an Award

As individuals of the digital age striving to make our presence count, the act of voting for Virtique’s nomination becomes more than a mere support for an accolade. Voting becomes a testament to our own desires for a connected, universal community. By casting our votes, we become an integral part of the movement towards ensuring Virtique’s reach extends to more, touches the lives of millions, and redefines digital interaction.

A Vote for Life Without Limitations

Melissa Deep, owner Virtique and advocate of AR technology for small business and the mobility impairedIn casting our votes, we champion a vision where physical limitations do not translate to a life less engaged. Virtique, with its AR and VR solutions, holds the potential to redefine mobility for those who are mobility-impaired, geographically challenged, or even physically apart from the objects of their interests and desires.

For those who vote, it’s not just a click; it’s a stamp of approval on the idea that technology, when harnessed right, can be both an equalizer and a liberator.

By voting, we lend a digital voice to the myriad voices of our society. Virtique’s core mission resonates with the marginalized, unheard, or underrepresented.

It gives them not just a seat at the table, but a place in the virtual world—a world that is increasingly superseding the definition of ‘real’, as the one in which we live and, perhaps, understand each other the best.

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