RECAP: Yoga, Dancing, Dressing and Dining: WIN’s India Party Delighted   

RECAP: Yoga, Dancing, Dressing and Dining: WIN’s India Party Delighted   

May 2024 Event

Yoga, Dancing, Dressing and Dining: WIN’s India Party Delighted   

by L.A. Robbins

On Saturday May 18th a group of WIN happy revellers journeyed south into the hills of nearby Tavernelle Val de Pesa to participate in an afternoon of Indian activities. We were ushered into the attractive, spacious villa of WIN’s Giulia Scarpa and offered tea and refreshments.

Under the oak and olive trees of the garden we unfurled yoga mats to engage in luxurious stretching, guided by yoga professional Elizabeth Lutz Pauncz. Tibetan bowls offered a resonant start and finish.

Sabina Cesaroni, actress and Indian dancer, taught us movements and their meanings. She performed from her repertoire of graceful dances and bid us express our terpsichorean spirits. Music resounded, incense spiralled upward; we pirouetted, dipped and bent, glided and wove with fair abandon.

A few bravehearts attempted to fashion a sari from endless reams of purple silk (the video made it look easy!) and then decided it was definitely time for dinner.

In the gold of sunset we gathered around a long table on the balcony to dine on scrumptious Indian dishes, three varieties of rice, raita and spicy sauce accompaniments. Ice cream desserts topped off the savouries. And as candle and lantern light ferried us from daylight to twilight to starry night wine and good conversation flowed.

Sated with memories of rich and textured activities we travelled home…

Ommmm  Ommmmm Ommmmm… a sparkling afternoon and evening.


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