WIN Donation to ATT (Associazione Tumori Toscana)

WIN Donation to ATT (Associazione Tumori Toscana)

Our wildly popular raffle held during the Membership Fair in February finished with a balance of Euro 620.00. These funds have been donated to the ATT of Florence, of which Dr. Giuseppe Spinelli is the founder and President, as well as being the Director of Maxillofacial Surgery of Careggi Hospital. You may remember Elena Speranza’s interview with Dr. Spinelli during the November 2019 meeting at the Canadian school.
What does ATT do? It offers free, year-round, 24 hour home care for patients with cancer, as well as support for the families of such patients. It is comprised of a group of doctors, professional nurses, psychologists, and public health operators who go into the homes of patients and interact with them and with their families. They take care of the medical needs of the patients and also offer them and their families psychological support for the overwhelming mental trauma that such a disease creates.
One of its most recent projects is called “Prelievo Plus” (blood testing) created to fill a need caused by the pandemic. It proposes to make possible at-home blood testing for cancer patients to avoid the necessity of already fragile persons to leave their homes in order to do this testing.
What can we do? ATT offers many opportunities during the year to buy flowers, fruit, Easter eggs, and other items sold in our piazzas and supermarkets the proceeds from which go to help sustain the work of the association. We can also make direct donations and it is also possible to offer your time as a volunteer.
The Association is located in Via Benedetto Varchi 63, Florence, email, and Via Sebastiano Nicastro 10, Prato, email Web site: It can also be found on social media.

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