Have (homeopathic) kit, will travel
by Lisa Robbins
Now that you can travel again, these three remedies should serve you well if a pharmacy is not nearby or if you cannot get to one for a day or so.
Bruises and blows, after injury: ARNICA reduces the impact of blows and bruises and any internal bleeding. For soft tissues of the muscles. This is what the goats nibble on in the mountains when they bump themselves.
Hangover. Oversensitivity. Nausea with headache. Irritable. Or if overindulging in food, drink, and (or) stimulants. Take NUX VOMICA
For stomach upsets and diarrhoea from poor quality or tainted food. Or for Food poisoning. Burning pains in gastrointestinal tract. Better from warmth. Nausea. Weakness, debility. Take ARSENICUM.
To learn more on homeopathy for eye troubles or to book a free chat with me, Lisa Robbins.
website: Robbinshomeopathy.com