Anxiety and Sleeplessness: Gentle, Natural Solutions

Anxiety and Sleeplessness: Gentle, Natural Solutions

Anxiety and Sleeplessness: Gentle, Natural Solutions

by Lisa Robbins

Anxious? Can’t stay asleep once something wakes you?

Perhaps the most common emotional and mental state in Western society, worry about what’s happened or will happen can increase heart rate, cause clammy skin and create appetite problems. Symptoms include shortness of breath, chest pains, and sweating. Find natural holistic solutions in homeopathic remedies, gentle enough for everyone, from baby to elderly. Pets too benefit.

We worry when we confront a difficult situation, imagine failure, don’t recover swiftly from illness. If we move house or lose a job, if something happens to a loved one, if there’s a danger anxiety is a common reaction.  But sometimes, a permanent, restlessness sets. Anxiety becomes chronic and the body takes up the tune. Frequent, unpredictable panic attacks, depression, compulsion or obsession make it hard to cope. We become rigid: a bundle of tense muscles. Of course, this armour protects us. But it ‘blocks us from living fully; we don’t confront change or new situations with ease. We can’t relate to others with spontaneity and openheartedness. Physical illness is often the end product, according to many healthcare practitioners.

Those who suffer from anxiety often turn to conventional medicine for solutions. They want to stop worrying, shift negative patterns, boost energy, get a full night’s sleep or adjust diet problems. The tranquilisers, beta-blockers and stimulants can work  … in the short run. But they often exact a price of side effects, driving a malady further inside which can cause organ and system dysfunction.


Reduce anxiety, calm nerves, lift mood by considering the following homeopathic remedies below:

Coffea cruda is useful when restlessness is caused by thoughts that hamster around, preventing you from going to sleep and staying asleep. You may be recovering from illness.

If you’re grieving or low, tearful or sighing often, Ignatia often resolves insomnia.

Inability to go to sleep, especially in the early hours of the night, generally feeling weepy and clingy … these symptoms often point to Pulsatilla.

No trouble falling asleep but can’t stay there? Turning to stimulants like coffee or sweets to keep you going? Tummy troubles? Irritabilty? Nux vomica is a wonderful remedy.

Worrying about your health? Thirsty for hot drinks, and a preference for taking small sips of them? Overly critical? This kind of anxious restlessness spell Arsenic album.

What keeps you up at night? What would you give for a good night’s sleep?

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