I was full of energy for the upcoming spring but suddenly everything stopped - just when I could have worked harder!
My life hasn’t changed much during the lockdown.. I’m a freelance translator from Persian into Italian and I have always worked at home. I think my perception of the world has changed and I started to be afraid to go out. I always stayed at home, my husband took care of the shopping and I had no reason to go out.
Luckily I have a huge garden so I never felt stuck at home like many people.
The thing that made me suffer the most was seeing my son (he’s almost 13 years old) isolate himself even more than before, he didn’t like online lessons because he always loved going to school and the teachers told me that they found him different, not so active. His basketball training was interrupted and his piano lessons too, this lockdown has strengthened his addiction to video games because that was the only time he could talk to anyone, even if virtually. I think the government never cared enough about the psychological consequences of lockdown on our children. I am sure that for them it was harder than for us.
The lockdown forced my creativity and this was the positive aspect of it on myself! It expressed itself in cooking a lot and experimenting new dishes! I’m an aspiring chef in Persian cuisine and I have to confess that during the lockdown my followers have grown! Before March I had about 144 followers, now they are 322 as of June 17th and for me this is a big satisfaction!

Expat Living Abroad in Florence ?
We are an active and varied group of women choosing to live outside of our “homelands” Talk to one of our board members about join us for support, practical assistance, local know how & some great laughs

Member Blog Articles
Through my Instagram account, persian_foodexperience I had the chance to meet “virtually” a lot of people from all over the world, chat with them and they showed a lot of interest in what I do, they follow me with real affection and I really hope to meet them all one day! This aspect makes me cook with more passion. I try to always publish new posts and I’m so grateful for their enthusiastic reactions.

The phase II transition affected my business of course …