April Member Spotlight: Behind the Scenes with Francesca!
Francesca avoids the limelight and maintains a “low profile” but Francesca always steps up and supports others, all while successfully multi-tasking and balancing a very busy family, successful multi-layered and diverse businesses as well as her community support and ties!
I must express my admiration and deep personal debt of thanks and gratitude to Francesca (and her brother Federico) without whom I’m not sure I would be in Florence today!
It was Francesca, in fall of 2019, who responded to my email request for a possible place to stay/rent in Florence in the fall of 2020 for “3-6 months”. She and Federico immediately offered options here at PSN and…to make a long story short, it became my “Place in Florence” for almost 18 months!
Deep family roots…a true Fiorentina…
Born and raised in Florence, Francesca shares that her interests have always favored experiences on an international level. It wasn’t necessarily an interest learned/shared in her family or schooling growing up but ultimately it has been one shared with her husband and children.
In fact, she shares that back in the 90’s during her study and work experiences, there were few Italians and even fewer Italian women from “normal families” who would have had international experience.
She and her husband, Giovanni, who is also Florentine born, have notably shared this interest but it has been (and continues to be) the inspiration and focus of their diverse entrepreneurial business interests.
Balancing a busy life style…
Needless to say, balancing a busy diverse business/partnership with her husband, raising three children and community involvement was and remains no small accomplishment. Francesca expresses her gratitude and attributes having the support of a wonderful long time loyal staff and their support for maintaining a busy household and being able to balance her busy life style.

As times and trends change in the world of tourism (especially during and following COVID), Your Place in Florence and Palazzo San Niccolò, have evolved as well. It still offers hospitality, personal service and accommodation options for guests to stay in a room, studio or apartment for a night or a week or longer! Concierge services and personal attention are always a priority. (And soon, The Table, their Private Dining Experience, will be premiering.)
WIN & Community Ties…
A natural “networker”, and very active in the WIN community, Francesca is quick to step up and offer support, suggestions, and referrals to others.
The WIN community has enjoyed having Palazzo San Niccolò as their “home” and host for WIN meetings for the last two years. It is certainly the perfect choice for hosting cultural events.
Contact Francesca:
Phone(s) +39 055 244509 – mobile +39 366 461 8067
Instagram @palazzosanniccolo e @yourplaceinflorence