Throat bloat? Lammed by Laryngitis   

Throat bloat? Lammed by Laryngitis   

Throat bloat? Lammed by Laryngitis   

by Lisa Robbins


Brrppphhh! Where’s spring? Cold winds, rain and clouds, temperature hot and cold make a greawt recipe for a sore throat and laryngitis. Do you sound like a mix of Bacall and Brando and an obstreperous pelican? Sexy it may be but the rough, raw ache in the throat tells the truth. Not so sexy.

If symptoms persist, despite staying inside, wrapping up, downing the honey lemon, homeopathic remedies can speed recovery

 Causticum addresses laryngitis when a cough or a sneeze results in a leak.

 A hoarse voice with a painful, red burning throat and difficulty swallowing points to Belladonna.

 Laryngitis, worse in the morning with a painless throat  benefits from Calcarea.

 If painless hoarseness is worse in the evening, look at Carbo veg.

There’s often more to it than the signals above.

Get in touch if I can help:


Read on for five top sore throat solutions:

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