WIN Lifts off: Seventh Annual Members Fair Inspires, Sparks Connections

WIN Lifts off: Seventh Annual Members Fair Inspires, Sparks Connections

Securing Success

for both the WIN and Florentine community

This year’s Members Fair offered diverse and energetic presentations from a total of 18 speakers and close to 50 attendees.  (Considering WIN’s total overall membership is just one shy of 60, this testifies to the overall support from most everyone) Out of seven new members since January, four were presenters: courageous souls!

To boot, we raised over €620 for the Associazione Toscana Tumori, proceeds will be used for hospital beds, wheel chairs and other important equipment needed for these patients.

Preparing to go live


There was bright energy in the air. Presenters come up to bat with alacrity. Listeners were drawn in by the sheer assortment of offerings, by the enthusiasm of the speakers … they really sold themselves, their products, and services.  Several took advantage of the group’s resources, for instance offering backstage encouragement. And those who didn’t may well do so next time. And speaking of backstage, Board members may not have had time to sleep this last week for all the messages and questions flying back and forth.

Sure, they were nervous, some of them. But they studied, (some with Elia), practiced, and polished their acts. They had to think about how to pitch themselves – how to make that pitch interesting and snappy. It showed. And somehow, when it came time to take the stage, each presenter managed to put her message across with calm, confidence. 

Presenters went out of their way,  knowing that they needed to jazz up their acts… what could be more boring than yet another virtual offering online?  We’ve all been there and done that. The evening lifted off. It felt alive and vibrant. 

Prizes! Prizes! Prizes!

This year’s raffle, cleverly interspersed between presentations, provided a plethora of rich and varied prizes … those who contributed, truly pulled out the stops .. gifts were generous. Raffle ticket winners surely went away thrilled with their prizes.

A quick look at the w/a messages demonstrates the overall satisfaction many felt:

An amazing evening, so many talented women, fascinating services, and products.

Several members expressed interest in trying out the presented products or services. A few now plan to meet new friends. If WIN is about connections, we have lift off.  

Looking back, the day was horrid. Grey, rainy, damp, with a sudden unexpected slice of the sun that just as quickly disappeared. In short, not inspiring. Would we have had a turn out had it been live? Definitely not as large an attendance as we were treated to virtually. 

Did we forget to mention the most amazing thing?  We were digital! The event was virtual. Attendees, presenters, and listeners sat in their kitchens or their studies… and were transported

by Donna Scharnagl and Lisa Robbins

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