Zombies need Iron

Zombies need Iron

by Lisa Robbins

Zombies walk slowly, as if they are hypnotized or in a trance. They are cold and pale and don’t breathe much. Obviously lacking in energy. Not surprising, since they’re dead. If you are exhausted, out of puff, hibernating with winter blues, post-partum depression, or mental burnout, you may feel you’ve joined the zombie ranks. Like them, you need a boost.

‘Shaun of the Dead’, a spoof on the zombie trope, ratchets up the laughs when a deranged ne’er-do-well takes a bite out of a salesman who can’t get his act together. Eerk: he’s zombified! Whether they are arising from the grave or crunching through human bones, zombies certainly lack spark. Here are some top remedies to revitalise your energy.


After giving birth, new mothers can be tired, chilly, cranky, and constipated. Sepia is the remedy.

Turn to Pulsatilla if you are weepy, thirstless, and shrinking from the heat.


After swatting for exams or going cross-eyed over sorting the accounts, Anacardium addresses mental exhaustion.

If you are forgetful, sensitive to noise, and repeating everything, Zinc may sort you out.


Zombies are anemic. Well, they’re missing blood itself. Blood carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues, sends waste to the kidneys, and onward delivers hormones from glands to organs, ferries antibodies to infection sites.

Enlarged glands (especially thyroid) and tumours in debilitated patients can be treated with Ferrum Iodatum. Digestive issues – feeling full after a little food – and suppressed menses are addressed, along with kidney disfunction or incontinence in anemic children.

Ferrum Metallicum is for young anemic persons who have cold hands and feet. Pale skin alternating with flushes is characteristic. Headaches can be stinging, hammering, or congestive. Even the teeth ache. Eyes are watery, dull red. Ringing in the ears often occurs before an on-and-off monthly cycle starts. Women are weak, with hot red faces.

Ferrum Phosphoricum helps pale patients who suffer hemorrhages or frequent bright red nose bleeds Like Ferrum met, they flush easily and have florid complexions. This is useful for the first stages of fevers; fast heartbeats and rapid pulses with hot, sweaty palms and swollen, painful hands. Night sweats are common.

Think of Ferrum Picricum for tinnitus and deafness and headaches, common, after meals. Eating can cause indigestion. There’s often a need to urinate at night.

The above remedies are among those well-indicated for post-partum depression, mental burnout, or anemia. No need to be a zombie. Come for a complimentary chat; a homeopathic remedy like one of these should put the spring back in your step, the colour in your cheeks.


website: Robbinshomeopathy.com


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